Did The Tourettes Guy Really Die

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the Tourettes Guy, the foul-mouthed web video hit who coined funny catchphrases such as 'BOB SAGET!', 'Don't talk shit about Total!' and 'Fuck salt!' Well in addition to watching his videos I've read conflicting reports of whether it's for real or all an act... Many sources claim he died (I think he actually faked his death or something, dunno if that's also part of the whole spiel). Anyway, do you think his exploits are real or some one-of-a-kind performance art?
  1. Tourettes Guy Death
  2. Is Tourettes Guy Dead
  3. Did The Tourettes Guy Die

For those of you who dont know Tourettes Guy is, or was the funniest man alive. Me and my friends have seen like every video at least 1000 times, and still like to recite on of his memorable quotes from time to time. Even if His videos were fake, and if he really died or not, he is still a god amongst men. Any ways here is mine: PISSS!!! How did the tourettes guy die? Was it accidental or self inflicted. 1 decade ago. Favorite Answer. He died in a car. Aug 06, 2007. Aug 30, 2009.

Tourettes Guy Death

What happened to tourettes guy

This is something I’ve wanted to do on Thursdays for a while and I told myself I’d start doing this once the new year started. These videos that I’ll share on Thursdays, are videos that I really enjoyed when I was in college. That was a cool decade ago so there might be some gems that the younger crowd out there may not of ever seen. I think I might be the oldest person here at Belly Up and I if I can open their and your eyes, every Thursday, to some of these all-timers, well then that’s a good thing, maybe the best of things.

Before I get into Tourettes Guy video on this freezing Thursday, let me make it clear that I nor does anyone else at Belly Up Sports condone the shaming of people with special needs. Laughing at videos like this doesn’t mean that you’re the scum of the Earth and have no soul. It means a video was made to make people laugh and I laughed at it, and since I believe this is more of a comedy routine than footage of someone really going through and handling their neurological disorder, I don’t feel bad laughing about it. If you do, that’s your right. Just don’t tell me what I can and cannot laugh at.

Is Tourettes Guy Dead

That being said, I remember being in college many moons ago being introduced to all the Tourettes Guy videos and just losing myself at how funny it was. This was the first one I ever saw. The Bob Saget lines are pure gold. When Danny gets told that he’ll get kicked in the balls by his wife Shirlena and responds with “bitch, I love you”, I just lose it because it’s so ridiculous.

From Danny interacting with his son, who is the cameraman I think, from him interacting with the public. Tourettes Guy always brings some gut-busting laughs. Reports came out in 2007 that Danny had died but then more videos came out. From searching the internet, most people believe that he never died and that everything is like I said, fake in an attempt to make people laugh. So, exactly where Danny is today, I cannot say. What I can tell you is that if you need some instant laughs on this blustery Thursday watching the antics, and there are many videos, of Tourettes Guy will turn that frown upside down.

Did The Tourettes Guy Really Die

BTW- Here’s my favorite

Did The Tourettes Guy Die

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