Block Internet Access

Go ahead and block inbound connections, too, if you want to completely block internet access for the program. Select “inbound rules” in step 4 and the rest of the steps are similar. How to Block a Program From Connecting to the Internet in Windows 10 1. Type 'Windows Defender Firewall' into the Windows 10 search bar and click on the first result.

AccessBlock Internet Access
Learning has never been so easy!

Could block Internet at router/switch level but teachers should not have access to router. Wired by cable. – user219175 Apr 24 '13 at 8:09 possible duplicate of allowing local network access while blocking internet access – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 Jul 15 '13 at 11:19. Disable Internet access on a Windows PC. By Jason Hiner in Networking on December 16, 2004, 12:00 AM PST Learn several options for disabling Internet access on a single system while still allowing.

The easiest way to block internet access for a user is to set their proxy server settings to a non-existent proxy server, and prevent them
from changing the setting:

3 Steps total

Step 1: Create new group and apply the policy

1. Create a new policy in GPMC by right-clicking your domain and pressing New. Name the policy No Internet.
2. Right-click No Internet and press Enforced to check it.
3. Select No Internet in the left-hand pane, select Authenticated Users under Security Filtering and press Remove, and OK to
prevent the policy from applying.
4. Using Group Policy to implement Internet Explorer settings, navigate to User Configuration / Windows Settings / Internet Explorer
Maintenance in the No Internet policy.
2. Right-click Internet Explorer Maintenance and press Preference Mode.
NOTE: If a policy is already defined, you must press Reset Browser Settings, which will reset any Internet Explorer Maintenance
Group Policy, before you press Preference Mode.
3. Navigate through Connections and double-click Proxy Settings (Preference Mode).
4. Check Enable proxy Settings, Use the same proxy server for all addresses, and Do not use proxy server for local (intranet)
5. Type into Address of proxy and 80 into Port.
6. Press OK.
7. Close the No Internet group Policy.

Step 2: NOTE:

To prevent a user from changing their proxy settings, implement Disable changing proxy settings or Disable the Connections
page in the No Internet policy.

Step 3: To prevent a user from accessing the internet.

1. Select the No Internet group Policy under your domain and press Add under Security Filtering.
2. Use the Advanced dialog to locate and select the user, pressing OK.
3. Press OK.
4. If the user is logged on, force the policy to update.

Published: Aug 02, 2010 · Last Updated: Jan 17, 2018


Block Internet Access On Ipad

  • Windows IT Pro


Block Internet Access To Programs

  • Chipotle
    mitrum Aug 31, 2010 at 02:43am

    I will try it.

  • Sonora
    Erik6823 Sep 1, 2011 at 01:07am

    Successfully implemented for a few (poor) users. Thanks!

  • Jalapeno
    jrobvanatta Dec 29, 2011 at 04:02pm

    Thanks! Worked great!

  • Jalapeno
    Nick3C Mar 5, 2012 at 11:43am

    I am having issues with this. I have set up the new policy correctly and pointed it to a test account in AD. I have forced the GPO update on both the server and workstation numerous times and still the policy is not working. Can you help me understand where I might be missing something?

    PDC - Win Server 2008 R2

  • Pimiento
    Brian8521 Dec 17, 2012 at 09:13pm

    This will work for IE, but several of our computers have other browsers on them such as Chrome and Firefox. Though initially blocked, the user can use these browsers to open the internet settings and uncheck the 'Use Proxy' checkbox. (In fact Chrome tells the user how to do this exact thing!) We need to keep Chrome due to our business (unfortunately) using Google apps. Any idea as how to disable Internet access through these as well?

  • Anaheim
    Pix3ldude Jul 11, 2013 at 04:48pm

    @Brian8521 Just set the folder security on the Firefox/Google (or Chrome) folder to exclude the users/groups that you don't want to have access to the executable. Make sure to let 'System' and 'Creator Owner' have full rights to the directory should you have to set advanced security.

  • Pimiento
    Stone Ta Mar 25, 2014 at 08:08am

    Seem this GPO does not work with Windows 7 + IE 11!?
    I've set same your instruction above but user still access website.
    Any ideal is very appreciate
    Thank you,

  • Anaheim
    Ryan Swift Jun 4, 2014 at 09:56am

    Perfect, just what we needed. Got it running without any issues. Thank you very much

  • Jalapeno
    Hennepin Aug 14, 2014 at 05:51pm

    Configuring IE11 has been moved to a separate program, IEAK. You can download it here:

  • Sonora
    fatboy1271 Apr 17, 2017 at 07:07pm

    I need to disable Internet access for a group of people on a specific project. The issue is that in order to access the project data they have to log into a server via a web browser. Will using this method allow both of those things to happen?
    1. Disable Internet access
    2. Allow Intranet access