View Whatsapp .db File

I deleted Whatsapp's chat history in my blackberry, so I can no longer use the function 'email chat history' to retrieve a chat log from last week. However, I managed to keep hold of the history (which is stored in the file 'messageStore.db') from the last time I synced my blackberry with desktop manager.
There is important information which I need to access from a certain chat. I tried every way to open the 'messageStore.db' file using programs such as SQLite Manager, but it says that the file is encrypted.
I would really appreciate any advice on how to open this file. I urgently need the information and am grateful for any tips you could give on how to decrypt the file or open it. Thank you so much for any help you could give.

View Db File

View Whatsapp .db File Online

ViewView db file
  • DB files on mobile phones generally are not meant to be opened or edited manually, since they are support files that include information for the device or for an application. One example of a DB file is sms.db, an iOS support file that stores the user's text messages (located in the /private/var/mobile/Library/SMS/ directory.
  • Extract WhatsApp Viewer, and run it. Go to file and click on “Open” and browse for the decrypted file with the name msgstore.db, load it, and click on “Ok” Now you should find all your contacts and the messages including images. CLICK HERE to download WhatsApp Viewer.

View Whatsapp .db File Download

How to convert Whatsapp database (messages) from Windows Phone to Android With the end of Windows Phone support, and also the support from main applications, I just bought an Android based smartphone (Sumsung S10e). WhatsApp Viewer (WADBView.exe). WhatsApp Viewer can be used to view WhatsApp chats on your PC. It has the ability to display chats from the Android msgstore.db file. This viewers supports crypt5, crypt7, crypt8, and crypt12 versions of database. Copying messages to PC make sit easy to read older messages, without pressing 'load older messages'. Now coming to the list of databases that you see, notice the date in each of the database files, except the first. Every night when a new backup is generated, it is saved as msgstore.db.crypt12. The backup from the last day is renamed with a date in the name. WhatsApp keeps a backup of 7 days + the current main backup.