Mount And Blade Warband Relationship
Mount And Blade Warband Relationship
Another way would be to improve relationships with a lady. (you do that by winning tournaments and then joining the feast. If a lady is there, tell her you want to dedicate the win to her). You can then ask her to improve relationship with the lords. (though this costs like, 1000 denars a +1 relationship.
Dec 16, 2010. In Mount & Blade: Warband, one of the most important decisions you are going to make concerns which Kingdom you will swear fealty to.Of course, you can go the rogue route, living a life of sin and debauchery as a lone band of raiders, but we are honorable individuals who desire to have our right to rule be recognized as quickly as it possibly can. Mount & Blade: Warband is a stand alone expansion pack for the game that brought medieval battlefields to life with its realistic mounted combat and detailed fighting system. Graphical overhaul: Support added for HDR, FSAA, depth of field, soft particles, tone mapping, and many other effects; New models with greater detail and high-quality.
Mount And Blade Warband Mod
In Warband when you start your own faction, and have vassals serve you, every time you allocate a fiefdom to a vassal, that vassal recieves a +10 to relationship, while every other vassal receives a negative 2 points to your relationship with them.
Effectively meaning that if you divide your lands up between anymore than 4 vassals there is no way to keep relationships up, this seems really counter productive as vassals are constantly changing sides, this really shouldnt be the case, is there any way someone could help me out and point me to the right script to either increase the positive, or decrease the negative impact of assigning fiefdoms.
Others have asked and the links that are given in response are about rebellions and faction leaders from vanilla mount and blade, and are not helping with this Warband issue.
Thanks for all the awesome work you guys do figureing this stuff out. btw, im majorly grateful.