Downtown Mafia For Chrome

Downtown Mafia For Chrome

Chrome Shop Mafia is proud to be hosting the Special Olympics Crew at our September Truck Show! These guests will be attending, participating, convoying and enjoying the Big Rigs with us all weekend!

We will coordinate a convoy that will start staging at 5:45 pm on Saturday, we will plan for a 6 pm convoy START time as we head north towards Joplin. We will end up in Downtown Joplin, and we will ‘take over’ several city blocks as we park for a block party, light show and street fair! Due to space limitations in the downtown area, and in the interest of making room for as many convoy trucks as possible-we will be limited to Bobtails only-no trailers in the convoy. (Thank You for your understanding.) There will be food vendors & music! All drivers need to be in their trucks and ready to leave downtown at 10:30, to make the trip back home or back to 4 State Trucks.

We encourage all trucks to monitor CB channel 33 on Saturday evening for smoother staging, coordination and faster re-parking. This is our best method to orchestrate the convoy and we want everyone to enjoy it and not be frustrated.

Tips and help for the online game Downtown Mafia Mob Code: 861 190 929 Play Downtown Mafia on Chrome: 🎃🎃🎃Befriend the darkness but not what may lurk within it. He is coming!!!🎃🎃🎃 Play Now - #downtownmafia #gangsters #mafiagames #merc #merccomingsoon #halloween #comingsoon.

ALL trucks that want to join the convoy must register at the Special Olympics Tent directly in front of the CSM/4 State Trucks facility. Each truck is required to make a $100 donation to Special Olympics and will receive a ‘decal’ to put in your passenger windshield to show you are a CONVOY PARTICIPANT SUPPORTER! Download the Convoy Application, fill it out, then fax to Special Olympics at 417-624-5517 for pre-registering, or bring with you day of the event …. Or Register Online! (2021 Convoy links & forms coming soon!)

The auction will take place Saturday at the Special Olympics tent at 4 PM where individuals fleets can submit their bid for the ‘top’ positions in the convoy.

In 2014 we had over 300 trucks participate in the convoy, in 2015/2016/2017 we had over 400 trucks participate & in 2018 we had over 500 trucks again – and raised over $195,000 for Special Olympics of Southwest Missouri during our event! Help us “break the record’ again in 2021!

Downtown Mafia For Chrome Download

We also need 40 drivers to submit their applications to let a Special Olympics athlete ride with them in their truck during the convoy. Download the volunteer form and fax it to us at 417-623-8941 attention: GBATS Convoy. These 40 applications must be received before September 15th. We urge you to participate, as the folks TRULY LOOK FORWARD TO AND ENJOY riding in these trucks during the convoy! There is no extra cost to the driver for taking an athlete with them during the convoy! (2021 Volunteer form coming soon!)

Come out and enjoy the weekend with your friends from Chrome Shop Mafia and our neighbors from Special Olympics!

Downtown Mafia For Chromebook

Any questions, please call 800-228-1103 extension 161 or call Robin Anderson with Joplin Special Olympics at 417-624-5505 or send an EMAIL.

Downtown Mafia For Chrome Free

Thank You!